Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Cosmic Soup Networking project- How to set up

Lately a bunch of us have been networking regarding the Cosmic Soup project. ~

The idea is that each of us holds our own creative world and can use the internet to share it by connecting as a community where we promote, share and provide clicks for one anothers pages.

The goal is to grow towards self sustainability. (Like a plant it grows and flowers with time and dedication.)

1. Set up your foundation: (aka your kingdom)

This is the main place you will be updating from.  (blog, website, what ever works best for you.)

I recommend building a main website as your home page. ( I use Wix- as a free service right now)
Particularly if you have multiple projects on the go.

2. Build your digital network. 

Really spend some time getting to know how these different websites work as this will be your network of communication.

Much like the different networks in our body this will help bring you to your audience as efficiently as possible.

[A few are done up as tutorials~ the ones that I am missing tutorial wise will be updated asap.]






Stumble Upon



If you do have a nintendo console and are an artist (3ds/2ds/wiiU)

I highly suggest networking on the nintendo miiverse. (It's full of amazing people)



This is key to building an audience

For those who are up for joining this project~ Our main page should be up sometime by the end of the week.~

I will be msging you with the art I'm designing for the page to make sure it works for you.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to set up your internet kingdom ~

Recently we have discovered wonderful potential the internet has to offer and are making this blog post about it.

I feel that this has great potential  to set people free to be their highest self so no one needs to work a dead end job that barely pays the bills.

(please note it will take time and effort)

here's a wonderful example from  some one who has already been doing this for years:

The idea starts like this: Most of us are employed for some one who in many peoples cases see's them as a number.

If you have a talent you can show: (music, art, writing, childcare, games and activities,cooking, sewing, whistling, trolling, comedy, anything)
You have your own original content to share with the world!

If you do something, might as well get payed for it too right?

Free blog's HTML and affiliate marketing

There are many websites that offer website services

depending on what projects you wish to create should depend on wich you choose to register for.

for blogs:               Blogger, livejournal or Wordpress
for websites:          Wix
Video:                    Youtube


Step 1
- Create your digital real estate.

The more traffic you bring to your website, the higher the value to attract better customers for advertisement space. (more views brings more sales)

Step 2- Explore affiliate marketing campaign's.

 There are many to choose from and some specific that are available for every skill out there.

There are far more, but if you find any that are worth mentioning please pass them along and I will gladly add them to the list and give credit.
Amazon associates
 Google Addsense,

and here are some blogs with some other recommendations: 
 Tyler CruzThe mom creative

As your traffic increases the space on your website becomes prime real estate for advertisement. (people who want to reach their target audience.)

Step 3- Network as a group~ 
We are not allowed to click our own adds, but we can offer a trade of clicking adds. Together we can also collaborate, and promote each other better.

Step 4- Connect to your network ~

The internet has brought us many tools to reach different groups online.
Facebook, pinterest, tumblr, deviantart , forums, and twitter, miivese, reddit, etsy

Understanding how these websites work and how to network with people based on keywords and #hashtags will help you find your desired audience.

You can also sign up for some directories to help advertise.

Step 5- Update regularlyThis is key to having an audience keep interest in your work. Fresh content~


We are entering a whole new area of adventure and exploration.

The potentials for us all to be our own employer's by offering our talents openly.
By creating and sharing and growing as a creative community.

Its all a learning process,so don't be afraid to ask for help or afraid to make mistakes.

Success comes from trial and error until you find your own.

As your website/blog/channel grows you can begin to make other deals with other people looking to advertise on your space, and grow your own empire.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to use twitter

Twitter is an amazing networking website.
As news happens you can often see it love tweeted live.

Once you are signed in you have the main page.

This is where your news feed made up of the most recent post from people you are subscribed to.

You will have to get use to writing in small spaces. :P

Using #hashtags will help you connect.(keywords)

You will also see a list of trending topics.

In my opinion the best way to build a network of followers is to search through keywords and tweets from others on relevant topics.

When you follow some one, and they also follow you you are capable of sending private msgs.

Clicking on your icon will bring you to your own page where you can check what your profile looks like to visitors, as well as see your number of tweets, follows and followers.

Any questions comments about what I should add to this tutorial please leave a comment down below.

Best of luck!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Beware shameless gloaters

How often do you see adds on TV telling you how wonderful a company is and all the donations they make?

Today it is almost hard to go without seeing an advertisement at least at some point in your day.

Having grown up with advertisements my whole life,I guess you could say I have developed an immunity to many of them, some now make me never touch a product.

All I see now are payed to be smiling actors reading lines about why a product is amazing.

But the worst by far are the ones that jump on current time popular things.

Time for the Olympics?

Better make an add to tell consumers how selfless of a donater we are!

Special Olympics?

No profit in sponsoring that, next~!

Its the people who don't donate just for a tax break, or publicity placement that should be held in highest regard..

But quite often these selfless heroes take no credit.

Its the ones who take their own fortune and spend it making the lives of others better that make this world a better place to live in.

Happiness is the only reward they want and sometimes that loving karma may back to say thank you.

Have a story of kindness? Share it!

Now we live in a time where its possible to blog it, and share it with the world.

Acts of kindness fills everyone (even observers) with joy.

Promote selfless love.

Monday, April 14, 2014

How to use tumblr

Tumblr is a simple layout mass blogging site.

1. create an account or log in ~

Now you are at the main page

Subscribers you are following's posts will appear here.

2.At the top of the page you will have a verity of posting options.
Simply pick the one relevant to begin posting.

Making a post:

The layout is similar to any blog~
but At the bottom you have a section for tags (keywords to help people find your post)

It is always best to put as many keywords as relevantly possible.

Another key feature of tumblr is the ability to link your account to other services you use such as: Facebook, or Twitter.

By taking advantage of this network you are capable of updating in multiple places at the same time.

There is a section for popular topics, as well as a search feature. Please be warned unless your safe search is on you may find adult content.

Please enjoy and explore your time on tumblr.

How to use reddit

I keep forgetting that skills we have are all based on our experience, So I wish to create a series of blogs to help people learn the internet.

The internet is like the body and has many systems and functions to make it work the way it does.

Here's our first ever website tutorial for

This website is created on the concept of karma..
If its a thing in existence there is probably a subreddit for it.
(Warning : this can be both a good and a bad thing but lets face it. This is reality uncensored.)

From the main screen you will see a list of featured sub reddits.

To know what sub reddit is which just look here for the name.

[Highlighted in green in the image above.]

Creating an account on reddit is simple. You don't technicly even need an email. (later we will discuss throw away accounts.)
[Highlighted in turquoise in the image above.]

Once you are registered, you can begin your reddit adventure and subscribe to the ones you like.

[Highlighted in red] is where to look through all the currently available subreddits.

A description will be provided as well as appropriate warnings.
( NSFW means Not safe for work)

Reddit uses a system of voting to control what makes posted submissions to the top of the specific subreddit. (This is why you will see people being so happy to make it to the front page.)

Please note: the rules of reddit. As it is based on a good will system.

It is truly an amazing website with wonderful potential to reach a vast audience.

Karma are the points you accumulate when you post.
(They are worth nothing, but show your post and comment popularity.)

Please make sure to avoid problems you read the specific posting rules for each subreddit.

Now sit back have fun and enjoy discovering the world from your computer screen.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Raised to keep breeding into the machine

Growing up I have always wondered why equality wasn't a thing.
You hear the stories of racism and slavery and think its something from the past...
But after much contemplation over why intelligent individuals do not want to have kids due to "over population" and knowing that human psychology is understood to the point it has become a profession.

There are a few questions many of us are wondering:
Why is sex constantly fed to the young generations through music and movies?
Why all the cuts to education and the crazy prices for birth control?

The book Rich dad poor dad unveiled to me a philosophy I had never before contemplated.
According to the book "successful" individuals have people do the work for them.
While poor people always want to work hard to get ahead.

And having observed this in reality I now realize why humans are constantly being fed the subconscious urge to procreate like rabbits while education and birth control is not a priority.

I feel we may be like cattle being farmed for a system that serves the few that own everything.
Hard worker mentality has been bread into us since school. Work hard and get good grades. Get a good job, get nice things. (and many of us know this is not true in many cases.)

But in an economy with a rapidly declining job rate with ever increasing prices...
We cannot be forced to do things, so instead we are programmed to figure out what we think we want.

For many of us now and throughout most of history we desire money and power... (power usually being a side effect of having lots of money.)
I do find it suspicious that we are being led towards job creation on a global level that involves oil, and fracking when we know it causes so much harm....

Why all the desire to monitor and sensor the internet?

Are we perhaps coming into realization and those who control the majority of the market do not want to lose the power they have had for centuries?
Self proclaimed royalty, barons , land owners.

History paints a very messed up picture of reality.
Why do the work when some one can do the work for you?

Are we the cattle? And much like video surveillance was originally used to protect personal property, is this the reason those with power wish to use their vast riches to exploit us by watching our activity?

Was the internet monitoring to protect the people, or instead was it created to protect the rich and powerful?
Only those with a lot to lose are the ones willing to pay for protection.

Obviously I'm not expecting an answer but to get some discussion on this matter is my goal.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I have met many in my life who would rather hide themselves away then be known to the public.

They have gone out of their way to avoid being captured in photo's, or video..

Back then I understood and I empathized. (I did it too!)

But looking back~ it makes you feel like a ghost.

Events you know you were at~ No trace of your existence remains...

and now I look at this in a very sad way.

The memory of who we use to be can be so easily carried and remembered in these times, but for most of us we are too afraid to even be.

Life is too short to be invisible and for the sake of the happiness of others, I no longer wish to hide away.

Its time to have a presence and finally be.

I hope others will join me in feeling free being yourself.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Learning and avoiding copyright

Been dreaming of setting up stuff right~ This man has inspired me : steve pavlina

I unfortunately have to begin by affiliate marketing my blog, and networking with some friends.

So say goodbye copyright miiverse drawings..(the lines are so thin) I'll make another blog dedicated to it being free.

Hoping I can find some one to make a nice layout.

I hope this works over time, and I hope to pay the message of self employed hope forward.

In a sense we are creating our own futures by providing what is needed....

Saturday, March 8, 2014

So I've been  having lots of fun setting up the Cosmic Soup and Cosmic Shop!~

So far~ My friend Meg has accepted to possibly be my secretary/manager.
(she is amazing helping me focus on the tasks that need completion.)

Logged into my Gaia online account after many years of inactivity.
Apparently... my items are worth more then I could possibly have ever imagined now..

So I'm hoping to do some form of give away contest to help promote the Cosmic soup project.

As advised by my other wonderful friend Charlie ~ We've taken up using Tumblr-
Updates can be found Here.

and Our Indiegogo croud funding can be found here

Don't forget to join us on Facebook!!

Our goal is to create, share and pay it forward.

We are so happy to have you along for the journey!~

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reality and emotions

So as mentioned in a previous post~ about all these things that have been in the works....

I today find the need to vent my frustration facing how much negativity I receive from those around me.

Instead of saying anything positive or supportive...

I am told the reasons I will fail, I am told the reasons why its not worth my time, I am told that my life could be at risk...

Facing my own doubts.. I guess is the game at hand.

I pray for nothing but the best, but it always depends on others around me and how they choose to respond.

I've always been one of those people who had lots to say, but was always too afraid to do anything.

Its time to actually live by what I say... and stop expecting other people to do it for me.

So family, friends, say what you will..

I hope with all my heart that everything works out.

But life is more then just NOW. Now is the time we are supposed to be enjoying..

but for example : if the only thing people want to talk about at gatherings is how the world may potentially end due to the greed of a few.. I'm sorry but I have better things to do with my mind then think about that.

Especially if the game that's being played is so obvious.. but people keep falling for the distraction.

Why not spend my time thinking of solutions?

Or writing this blog and communicating my thoughts with more then just one person?
At least it'll be recorded and if need be able to be shared with others.

Its not the way things have to be. Its the way we have been told things have to be.

I am here with all those who feel the same way~ and say "Let's do this together and make all of our dreams come true."

Much love to all~ thank you for reading.

And to those of you who have inspired me with your love~ I am so grateful. ^__^ Thank you!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The concert ~

So I'm not quite sure when the idea came...

But I broke out of my internet social fear and msged most people I figured may have an interest in participating.


My province faces a huuuuuge problem.

Right now, we are being lobbied by Texas company to test our land for fracking....
But the real perpetrator is the local big company who thinks they own everything. (Unfortunately land wise they do "own" a lot of deeds.)

The truth is being covered up... and as most of us are working our butts off to support of family's...

Its become such a serious issue that its dividing friends....

Do we choose:
Money for now  Or Water that we need to survive?

Not to mention all the other issues popping up that are not being discussed. (From places that have already chosen to frack.)


Up here In Canada we have a huuuuuuge problem on our hands.

The idea that 1. most don't understand how the political system works...
2. People have such limited time why would they spend the extra worrying about scary stuff?
3. Politics has started a war on truth and science. (Our scientists have been silenced or layed off.)


basically Canadians haven't gone crazy... We've been taken over by a Jerk who's playing by some one elses Agenda. (I can't imagine what country could be pulling the strings... or anything @_@)

All of these issues are currently rippling out.

In the worlds eye: Canada is a super douche:

Pulling out of the Kyoto accord to do the Tar sands.
Not to mention all the other things that are going to hit us in the face.

So yes~ Concert!

Let's see how this goes. (I have a feeling the internet should be greatly involved, so I shall keep updates on the blog.)


Sunday, February 2, 2014

The way we shared with the world-

Once upon a time ~ I  use to communicate without fear!

I'm not sure when the judgement jumped on me... But eventually I turned into an antisocial blob.
( I'm pretty sure its a side effect of accidentally saying things that hurt other people.. not knowing about their own personal walk in life....)

My closest friends can share story's of bad spelling and grammar ....  So when it comes to online communications my poor writing skills can definitely kick down my credibility in conversations.
(or blogging)

~One of my things is drawing.~

Recently I found a way to reconnect to this portion of my adolescence.


Stress? Draw it away!

Like when  I still can't get through to the EI call center regarding my maternity leave benefits... The call volumes is always "higher then expected" and disconnects my call... (Ive been trying to reach them since I opened my claim.... 4 monthes ago..)

Its also where I drew that comic from my previous post.

~ Nintendo has saved me much frustration by showing me how amazing it is to physically draw to communicate with other Nintendo fans.

Its amazing!!!!

~ Sooooo to celebrate this awesome, I have shoved aside my fear of conversation... and started networking with the individuals on miiverse. (because you are not supposed to identify yourself and how to find you in the real world so its very freeing.)

I have been doing the inverse~ connecting with friends and hoping they will join in.

My best memory's come from scribbling/role playing /creating with  my friends.

But even more fun~ as a mother its a place I can scribble with my kids without needing to waste a million peices of paper. (I have a history of eventually hording away stacks of my scribbled on paper... so this is nice!)

Thank you Nintendo~ and Miiverse for giving me one more step into overcoming my social anxiety.

To remember that there are millions of amazing people, who are just as shy as we are, or fans of the things that we love really takes the edge off.

It lets people be people~ and is a wonderful window to the world.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Speaking out- step 1 - for those who suffer in silence

Alright~ So based on my last post..

Generally when most of us call a contact centre Its supposed to be a simple experience.

Myself and my husband having worked in many since 18~ We have come to see both inside from the employee and the customer.... <---I recorded myself on the call (and to avoid legal reasons only my side of the call unless I feel the urge to request a copy of the recorded call...)

... can you tell I work in a call centre? (I silenced the parts where I'm giving personal info... )

Sadly the woman hung up and I did not have time to call back before their service centre had closed. (parental duty's called)

We did make the payment and everything is all connected right now... That small little blip is behind us.


The reason I spoke up this time..

I know how often these company's do this to people. Because I have been  both the agent and the customer.

When you have 3 kids and you have a billing error.

Working- babysitting and barely getting time to eat... You call up your service provider.

~ Press 1 for English 2 for french.

Billing ? Well they are only open 8-5.. so hopefully your shift and parental duties don't conflict with that.

So you get transferred to an agent. Give them your info- and... Opppps! Wrong department!

Transferred to another agent. who'm often you have to give your info to.... again.

and depending how long you've been on hold both times. (because they have been cutting employee's staffed to save money)

You've already wasted how much of your time?

Prior to parenthood I couldn't understand what people would complain about. 2 hours on a phone call to fix their internet service? pfffft shut up and stop complaining!

But I have been trained to not point out billing errors unless you mention them.
I have been trained, to tell you sorry its company policy.

I have been trained to know how to judge how you feel and manipulate you to calm down.

I am a call centre agent ~ and I'm sick and tired of watching my co-workers and friends be fucked around

As well as customers who pay wayyyyy too much for their service.(not specified to anyone company in particular.)

more communication issues:
Still waiting to get through to the EI call centre for my parental benefits.

I have lost count of how many times I've tried..... Work needs to know

Here I am stuck in the middle ~ As many of us are and feel like there is nothing that can be done.

Bring it onnn!

I'm done playing these games.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The amazingly fantastical callcenter adventure -- Mental health -Lets talk about it!

Welcome to cosmic soup.

Here's some back story to go with this one:

My husband and I are currently on shared maternity/paternity leave.
My weeks are almost out for my claim and I wanted to borrow some of my husbands to be able to stay home with our daughter for a little while longer.

But every time I call... Their call volume is unexpectedly too high and I get hung up on.
I haven't been able to speak to anyone since I started my claim.

Seeing as my employer needs to know about when I'm going back.... I try to call to touch base to let them know I'm still trying to get through to the EI call center.

I call: ~ **Automated msg: We're sorry~ This number is not in service. Please check the number and try your call again.~**

.... so I try other numbers..

My friends, family... Same thing!

So wanting to know what's up I call my phone company.

me:~ "Yea hi my phone isn't letting me dial out I was just wondering why."

agent: Oh yes, it appears you have been disconnected for non payment ... today.

me: But I just made a 100$ payment not that long ago.. I didn't receive any notice of this.

 I told them I could make a payment tomorrow and said I did not feel safe without having an active phone line.

But I was told that nothing could be done unless I could make the payment tonight...

This really hit a nerve.

My woman powers chimed in: 

Cast:(~ bringing up the PAST

<~*flashback sequence*~>

4 month's ago we had moved to this new house. ~ and they had messed up the move order...

I was a few weeks away from giving birth to my daughter and really needed the phone hooked up in case of emergency. My husband works overnight out of town and I don't drive.

but they told me there was no way they could hook up my phone and were sorry for the inconvenience of having to wait a few weeks for a tech.
( I didn't currently have time for my prepaid cellphone either.)


Then I apologized to the agent for being one of those calls...
I worked their jobs ... I know what its like...

it sucks

Then asked "for a supervisor...

I was then placed on hold....and waited ...and waited... and waited...

To be hung up the end....

But this time instead of getting angry~ I choose to get creative.

So it just so happens Bell is doing a fundraiser!!!

You want to talk about mental heath? 

Sure! I'll share my story~ whats yours?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

House of broken dreams

So update!~

Our landlords have been having some issues making their payments, and lost the house.

So now we are living in renters limbo....

I've noticed a lot of people are in the same situation who are quiet about it.
So this is a heads up that there are many people suffering in silence who have lost much during these stressful times.

I have this issue where injustice pokes me...

I feel like there has to be something we can do to prevent the games these financial institutions are playing with the dreams of young individuals.

The dream to have a house their children can grow up in... then Bam~ Lost your job?

Goodbye everything!~

Its not fair...

Not to mention the fact these places charge overdrawn fee's and are also the ones that handle insurance.

They own everything, while others are losing everything.

All for money.

Then the house is auctioned... to some one else and the cycle of broken dreams continues.


This forces me to really have to socialize and communicate (or try to since I seem to be getting few answers).

I've been trying to communicate with all seeing as we are stuck between a renters contract and the bank now being the owners.

So we shall see what happens~ But I have high hopes for something wonderful ~


Let us return hope to the broken hearts.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How to become socially akward...

Growing up I was generally a very social individual.

Truthfully over the last 7 years, I took a dive within myself to figure out some of my deeper stances on life and philosophies.

I have come to learned there is always a cause to every action... and in this case:

I had achieved completely removing myself from the lives of people I cared about~ and slowly over time I began to forget how to socialize.

Another issue is that social language generally evolves over time making it difficult to jump back in. ~

I began to realize most things I could easily connect with people about in the past: movies, shows, I was no longer current on.

Somewhere since college I became lost in the daily routine of working to pay my bills.

Then ~ Upon becoming a mother, I nearly completely shut myself off from the outside world.... for almost 2 years.

The story:

My husband is the only one who has his licence (up until 2 years ago neither of us did.)
He was working overnights, so how things ended up working out while I was home on maternity leave~ He slept - I watched our son~

We both never stopped..

The positive that came out of all of this- Was closely observing the evolution of the mind.
Children, how they looked at the world and explored.
(It really helped me to learn how to communicate and teach my son before he was able to speak.)
The expirience was very cleansing.
I had the opertunity to observe the fractal of life and its infinite beauty.

He brought me back to who I was and truly am. ~
Singing music all the tie~ Sewing ~ creating ~ drawing.

But... now facing the outside world I feel as though I'm surrounded by a new block.

I recognize my inner world for what it is.
But to be myself~ I need to return to where I use to be socially....

So I dedicate this blog to documenting this adventure. 

I know there is an entire world of socially anxious people~
I dedicate this adventure to you.

May we know we are not alone when facing our fears, our problems or worries.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Internet~ is the book of life -

Everything that you post on the internet generally stays on the internet.

Sometimes this can lead to a pile of regret...

For me I once posted an article associating my name with my weight and video games like DDR for weight loss.

Truthful as it was... I suppose it was facing the humility of not being comfortable with myself when new people (generally people who lived on the internet) would discover this page.

But for some people.... Its much more personal then that.

Its caused a few rare cases that have spiraled into chaos....and sadness...

It has begun a so called: Crusade on bullying....... (Crusades are not generally  good things historically for the record...)

Now we can blame the internet for that, we can blame bullying for that: 
Having been a chubby girl, I am no stranger to  bullying.

But I have observed that suppression of anything leads to far more problems psychologically.

Instead regarding bullying... perhaps we should be asking : Why is this person bullying?

(Usually a much deeper emotional problem is the cause of this.)


Regarding internet safety we can use this opportunity to see the truth.... 
This is something we need to inform our children about.

Much as Taxes, and finances are not mandatory to be taught in school, internet habits not points of mandatory education..

I feel it is time to recognize the amazingness of the internet, by spreading awareness that this is the global mind united in one place.

I propose we use the internet for what it was made for: the expansion of human consciousness!

With funding to education being cut almost everywhere in North America.. Its the children who are hurting most.

Seeing as they are the future adults that run the world~ perhaps the inversion of today's philosophy needs to take place.

Children > Money

In celebration of education I wish to share this wonderful creation :

Khan Academy is the first step in free - quality education material.

I'm sure if professionals work together to create a future focused on our future~
Only greatness can ensue.


Dance Dance Revolution: Konami
Fantastic student debt image :// 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Chad and I's Gaia avi's as couply art.


Even though I was an abundant user of the internet as a teen (21 hours plus per day)...

I was  never an antisocial individual.

A lot can happen in 7 years..

When I met my spouse all we wanted to do was be together. ~

We'd skip school - just to be together

We'd skip work - Just to be together


We'd eat, sleep and wonder about life together.


If I had the chance to go back~  I would keep everything the same.. 

When we met - we just knew

We dated for a week, got engaged a week later.

Now we have our 2 kids together~
and since the birth of our son we came face to face with a very big realization.

The secret world that so few parents actually speak of.
They have done, and continue to do for their kids.

Trading family and friends to run a race that never ends.

Reminding us about our past~
Parents who worked their asses off to provide for us.

Whom we remember ourselves missing.

This can't be the way things were meant to be.

During this time we admittedly often chose to spend our free time with one another, instead of our friends..

but we also had a lot of self discovery.

Baking,  philosophy , psychology, art , gaming ... etc

We had a wonderful adventure ~ But now we understand the effects of time and separation.
We've witnessed it...
Fortunately its something we understand. So many of us have been thrown in the endless cycle of bills +debt  ~ Thinking only about our limited free time and how we want to use it.~

Now that we've had a moment to think~ and recharge I'm hoping we can do something new.

- my deepest apologies to my friends-