Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Reality and emotions

So as mentioned in a previous post~ about all these things that have been in the works....

I today find the need to vent my frustration facing how much negativity I receive from those around me.

Instead of saying anything positive or supportive...

I am told the reasons I will fail, I am told the reasons why its not worth my time, I am told that my life could be at risk...

Facing my own doubts.. I guess is the game at hand.

I pray for nothing but the best, but it always depends on others around me and how they choose to respond.

I've always been one of those people who had lots to say, but was always too afraid to do anything.

Its time to actually live by what I say... and stop expecting other people to do it for me.

So family, friends, say what you will..

I hope with all my heart that everything works out.

But life is more then just NOW. Now is the time we are supposed to be enjoying..

but for example : if the only thing people want to talk about at gatherings is how the world may potentially end due to the greed of a few.. I'm sorry but I have better things to do with my mind then think about that.

Especially if the game that's being played is so obvious.. but people keep falling for the distraction.

Why not spend my time thinking of solutions?

Or writing this blog and communicating my thoughts with more then just one person?
At least it'll be recorded and if need be able to be shared with others.

Its not the way things have to be. Its the way we have been told things have to be.

I am here with all those who feel the same way~ and say "Let's do this together and make all of our dreams come true."

Much love to all~ thank you for reading.

And to those of you who have inspired me with your love~ I am so grateful. ^__^ Thank you!

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