Alright~ So based on my last post..
Generally when most of us call a contact centre Its supposed to be a simple experience.
Myself and my husband having worked in many since 18~ We have come to see both inside from the employee and the customer.... <---I recorded myself on the call (and to avoid legal reasons only my side of the call unless I feel the urge to request a copy of the recorded call...)
... can you tell I work in a call centre? (I silenced the parts where I'm giving personal info... )
Sadly the woman hung up and I did not have time to call back before their service centre had closed. (parental duty's called)
We did make the payment and everything is all connected right now... That small little blip is behind us.
The reason I spoke up this time..
I know how often these company's do this to people. Because I have been both the agent and the customer.
When you have 3 kids and you have a billing error.
Working- babysitting and barely getting time to eat... You call up your service provider.
~ Press 1 for English 2 for french.
Billing ? Well they are only open 8-5.. so hopefully your shift and parental duties don't conflict with that.
So you get transferred to an agent. Give them your info- and... Opppps! Wrong department!
Transferred to another agent. who'm often you have to give your info to.... again.
and depending how long you've been on hold both times. (because they have been cutting employee's staffed to save money)
You've already wasted how much of your time?
Prior to parenthood I couldn't understand what people would complain about. 2 hours on a phone call to fix their internet service? pfffft shut up and stop complaining!
But I have been trained to not point out billing errors unless you mention them.
I have been trained, to tell you sorry its company policy.
I have been trained to know how to judge how you feel and manipulate you to calm down.
I am a call centre agent ~ and I'm sick and tired of watching my co-workers and friends be fucked around
As well as customers who pay wayyyyy too much for their service.(not specified to anyone company in particular.)
more communication issues:
Still waiting to get through to the EI call centre for my parental benefits.
I have lost count of how many times I've tried..... Work needs to know
Here I am stuck in the middle ~ As many of us are and feel like there is nothing that can be done.
Bring it onnn!
I'm done playing these games.
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