Growing up I was generally a very social individual.
Truthfully over the last 7 years, I took a dive within myself to figure out some of my deeper stances on life and philosophies.
I have come to learned there is always a cause to every action... and in this case:
I had achieved completely removing myself from the lives of people I cared about~ and slowly over time I began to forget how to socialize.
Another issue is that social language generally evolves over time making it difficult to jump back in. ~
I began to realize most things I could easily connect with people about in the past: movies, shows, I was no longer current on.
Somewhere since college I became lost in the daily routine of working to pay my bills.
Then ~ Upon becoming a mother, I nearly completely shut myself off from the outside world.... for almost 2 years.
The story:
My husband is the only one who has his licence (up until 2 years ago neither of us did.)
He was working overnights, so how things ended up working out while I was home on maternity leave~ He slept - I watched our son~
We both never stopped..
The positive that came out of all of this- Was closely observing the evolution of the mind.
Children, how they looked at the world and explored.
(It really helped me to learn how to communicate and teach my son before he was able to speak.)
The expirience was very cleansing.
I had the opertunity to observe the fractal of life and its infinite beauty.
He brought me back to who I was and truly am. ~
Singing music all the tie~ Sewing ~ creating ~ drawing.
But... now facing the outside world I feel as though I'm surrounded by a new block.
I recognize my inner world for what it is.
But to be myself~ I need to return to where I use to be socially....
So I dedicate this blog to documenting this adventure.
I know there is an entire world of socially anxious people~
I dedicate this adventure to you.
May we know we are not alone when facing our fears, our problems or worries.
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