Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Beware shameless gloaters

How often do you see adds on TV telling you how wonderful a company is and all the donations they make?

Today it is almost hard to go without seeing an advertisement at least at some point in your day.

Having grown up with advertisements my whole life,I guess you could say I have developed an immunity to many of them, some now make me never touch a product.

All I see now are payed to be smiling actors reading lines about why a product is amazing.

But the worst by far are the ones that jump on current time popular things.

Time for the Olympics?

Better make an add to tell consumers how selfless of a donater we are!

Special Olympics?

No profit in sponsoring that, next~!

Its the people who don't donate just for a tax break, or publicity placement that should be held in highest regard..

But quite often these selfless heroes take no credit.

Its the ones who take their own fortune and spend it making the lives of others better that make this world a better place to live in.

Happiness is the only reward they want and sometimes that loving karma may back to say thank you.

Have a story of kindness? Share it!

Now we live in a time where its possible to blog it, and share it with the world.

Acts of kindness fills everyone (even observers) with joy.

Promote selfless love.

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