Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lots of snow~

The more I say I’m going to update, the less I actually update.
So you know what?  In that case….

In the last week we’ve gotten a good foot and a half of snow.

We Picked up Zaky some new snow pants for an early Christmas gift.~

I adore watching the amazement and discovery. Its amazing to think we all experienced this.
the first time we found anything new.

I guess too many rotations around the sun jades us from the wonders of this world.
Zaky and Saige have been getting along.

Zak has realized he can place small objects upon her and she doesn’t mind.

Unfortunately for him its us parents are the ones who stops the fun.
Chatterbox is no longer just being spammed.
He’s actually turned into the educational toy he was always supposed to be.

Zaky can now count to 5 and knows all his shapes.
Currently his favorite thing to do is bring me a block, tell me the shape and its colour.

Or to go play with his cars.

Then counts 1, 2…. 3 !

and tosses the car.
Its been so much fun. <3

Being a parent of two has been quite a bit of work (where most people would say: duh.)
But contrary to popular parent ranting its been pretty sweet.

When the world sucks, you look at your kids and you see infinite joy and wonder.
and they make you realize what life was really always supposed to be about:

bonus: Also been trying to fit in some creative projects when I can.
paintings and sewing goodies to come~
Have a good one!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Quest complete

So the last 2 days, I have been working on this new household system.
~(and bottled fairies)~

I Dub the project ~ the greatest MMO ~

But ill talk more about it on next post!~

Today's post is about :

Organization~ Something I've never had much practice with my entire life.

I've followed the system, and never strayed from it.
I always use to follow the rules.
Back in my youth you could have called me a 'Goody Goody."  (we need a new word for that... )

But organization is never something I've applied to my life.
So I guess so to speak I felt carried by the wave of life, and I learned to flow with it.
~ Problem is, this has given me much experience working on my creative skills. But~ I find things taking forever to complete.

My husband on the other hand is the complete opposite. He's learned to work with flow so well that he's crazy efficient.
Hes sort of a perfectionist.
But both of our worlds collide~

So over the years, we've found things that conflicted that we had to find a common solution for.
Before you live with some one else your use to your own routine. (your own universe)
But when we mix universes, we get the ultimate perception of infinity.
(Seeing how all things can be done infinite ways.)

We all have our routines from growing up~ Then~ We all create our own routine and know our own flow.
We can learn from each other.
2013-06-14 15-42-28
Sadly for most of us our employer occupy the majority of our day.
So finding time for flow outside the will of our employer is very difficult.  (Yet not impossible)

Anyway, for the hubby and I ~ Forgetfulness is an issue. So ~ To solve this little problem : We've created this new system.
So far it lets me get what use to take me a month in like a couple of days.
unshaded seal1
Teamwork is freaking awesome.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Family blog ~ New home~

So wordpress doesn't give much customization options unless I pay....(right now is outside of our budget)

Let's try blogger out~ Just for fun to see what we can muster up with it!
Saige in her marshmallow like bunting bag~

(thanks again to mon Oncle and Ma Tante for this cuteness)


Today i would like to blog about my hubby~

Ever since we've met, hes told me how often he was told that he looked intimidating.
We had to draw self portraits back in college, and I can clearly see this though reflecting in his opinion of his self image.

But today I have to set the record straight. He may look intimidating to some, but he's one of the sweetest gentlest souls I've ever met.

Snuggling but~ unfortunately
   (glaring at the camera's)

~He plays with the kids at their level~ Often reducing Zakary to a pile of insane giggles.

Zakary I'm sure one day will be able to share his stories about how awesome his daddy is.
But before either of our kids can fully say it for themselves, this wifey has to give a shout out to her wonderful husband.

Thank you for growing with me, and our beautiful family. ~

May there be many more adventures to come.

Hopefully one day, we will officially get married and have a wedding. (and our kids can be there!! yay) But other then a great big party that's fun to talk about, not a darn thing will be different.

Love is not a piece of paper. Love is the effort and energy you do every day that shows just how much you care.

Love you

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blogger vs wordpress? Lets try this thing out?

Do banner adds work on here?