Sunday, April 13, 2014

Raised to keep breeding into the machine

Growing up I have always wondered why equality wasn't a thing.
You hear the stories of racism and slavery and think its something from the past...
But after much contemplation over why intelligent individuals do not want to have kids due to "over population" and knowing that human psychology is understood to the point it has become a profession.

There are a few questions many of us are wondering:
Why is sex constantly fed to the young generations through music and movies?
Why all the cuts to education and the crazy prices for birth control?

The book Rich dad poor dad unveiled to me a philosophy I had never before contemplated.
According to the book "successful" individuals have people do the work for them.
While poor people always want to work hard to get ahead.

And having observed this in reality I now realize why humans are constantly being fed the subconscious urge to procreate like rabbits while education and birth control is not a priority.

I feel we may be like cattle being farmed for a system that serves the few that own everything.
Hard worker mentality has been bread into us since school. Work hard and get good grades. Get a good job, get nice things. (and many of us know this is not true in many cases.)

But in an economy with a rapidly declining job rate with ever increasing prices...
We cannot be forced to do things, so instead we are programmed to figure out what we think we want.

For many of us now and throughout most of history we desire money and power... (power usually being a side effect of having lots of money.)
I do find it suspicious that we are being led towards job creation on a global level that involves oil, and fracking when we know it causes so much harm....

Why all the desire to monitor and sensor the internet?

Are we perhaps coming into realization and those who control the majority of the market do not want to lose the power they have had for centuries?
Self proclaimed royalty, barons , land owners.

History paints a very messed up picture of reality.
Why do the work when some one can do the work for you?

Are we the cattle? And much like video surveillance was originally used to protect personal property, is this the reason those with power wish to use their vast riches to exploit us by watching our activity?

Was the internet monitoring to protect the people, or instead was it created to protect the rich and powerful?
Only those with a lot to lose are the ones willing to pay for protection.

Obviously I'm not expecting an answer but to get some discussion on this matter is my goal.

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