Hisame Artwork
Hi everyone! I'm the artist behind the educational comics and games "Niels Feynman' and "Ernest the blue bunny".
I was asked by the awesome wonder mommy Keirani Gallant to give you some insight into how I became a graphic artists so here we go!
I was born and raised in East Europe and despite the wars, dictatorships and economic meltdowns I have doctors, engineers and artists in my family who nurtured my love of learning. My grandfather was a writer and editor of the national publishing house so I grew up with atlases he worked on and my parents encouraged my curiosity and education. They worked a lot so many hours I spent alone coloring and watching cartoons and documentaries.
I finished school and got degrees in International Marketing from the Academy of Economic Studies and a degree in Multimedia from the National University of Theatrical and Cinematographic Arts and I went on to work in advertising and shovelware games because it payed the bills and I like eating. Occasionally I would get to work on an educational feature film animation or video game, but the pay was sad.
My husband was the one that encouraged me to do what I like and helped me start my business last year. He is a nuclear physicist and a gamer and the most awesome person you'll ever meet!
I have created :
- a science themed calendar
- a comic book series about time traveling
- a farming and economy themed board game and,
- a collectible sticker booklet to help kids learn about the history and geography of the United States of America.
At the moment I'm working on a video game and I plan to make a booklet with the European Union like I did for the US! I always try to find new ways to make learning fun and awesome people like the ones behind SciShow and CGP Grey , Kurzgesagt , Awkward Yeti and Skallagrim are a constant inspiration.
I'm always happy to answer questions and to help so you can find me here:
Tsu: http://www.tsu.co/Hisame_Artwork
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/hisame.artworks/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hisame.artwork/
Tapastic: http://tapastic.com/hisameartwork
Twitter : https://twitter.com/HisameArtwork
Wordpress blog: https://hisameartwork.wordpress.com/
Online shop:
Awesome! Thanks for featuring me on your blog and for all the support you've given me so far !